Team up! Become a partner organization abroad

We welcome rescuers and rescue organizations World Wide that would like to team up with us.

Together we can make adoptions of cats and/or dogs to the Netherlands possible.


Stichting (Foundation) NKM Dog & Cat Rescue Team is a non-profit organization based in the Netherlands. We are registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 84751568 and are registered and approved by the Governement RVO/NVWA under UBN Number 6988274. Our founder/director has a diploma specialized in Keeping and caring for cats & dogs which was needed to get our foundation approved by the Governement. Our organization founder has a background in rescue since 1990 and has fostered, done adoption screenings, homings ever since. She also worked as a Veterinary assistant.


We welcome any organization that can work with a Traces approved transporter in Europe. You need to hava Transport that offers Traces and goes to the Netherlands.

We only use flying options for animals from animals that come from outside of Europe.

At this moment we have a strong interest in partnership with organizations in Spain, Eastern European countries, and the United States. 

We already worked several years with an organization in California, but unfortunately the owner moved back to Germany.

We would be interested to work with Organizations that rescue dogs from High kill shelters in Miami, California, New York City area.




Are you in any other country or region than we listed above, and want to become partners, you may also contact us.


If you are interested to work with us, please write us in English or Dutch. We do not read, write or speak German or other languages. 


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